Booking To get started, simply fill out the form below, and we’ll reach out to discuss the details. Usage InformationIntended Usage(Required)Please briefly describe how you plan to use the studio space. E.g. “Host yoga classes” or “Solo dance lessons” or “Small group craft workshop”Type of Entity(Required)How do you plan on renting the space? As a business As a band As an individual As a non-profit Other Name of Entity(Required)Will you be the actual person renting?(Required) Yes Not sure yet No Scheduling InformationFrequency(Required)How regularly are you considering studio rental? Just one time Weekly, if the initial rental goes well Monthly, if the initial rental goes well Already aiming for weekly Already aiming for monthly Other Ideal Days of Week(Required)Choose which days of week are most ideal Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays Saturdays Sundays Select AllEarliest DateIf everything works out, what date is the soonest you would be able to utilize the space? MM slash DD slash YYYY Ideal Rental Length(Required)How long do you think you’ll want to rent the studio?Less than 1 hour1-2 hours2-4 hours4-6 hours6+ hoursIdeal Time of Day(Required)Although you are not limited to these specific start times, please give us an idea when ideally you would like your studio rental start time. 8AM 10AM 12PM 2PM 4PM 6PM 8PM 10PM Additional InformationScheduling DetailsAnything else you’d like to share about scheduling? E.g. “Wednesday evenings are ideal but if only mornings are available then Thursday mornings work better”. Usage DetailsAnything else you’d like to share about your usage?QuestionsAny questions you’d like to have answered? Contact InformationYour Name(Required) First Last Your Phone(Required)Your Email(Required) EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.